Categoria: Giochi
Sviluppatore: WeiWei Huang
Lingua: inglese
Sistemi operativi: Compatibile con iOS
Stupendous Romm Escape 1 – Mystery House è un nuovo escape-game compatibile per iOS, in cui rimarrete bloccati in una casa, cercate di uscire dalla casa raccogliendo gli oggetti nascosti e risolvendo gli enigmi proposti.
Noi di SuperMobile stiamo risolvendo il gioco e postando qui sotto la soluzione:
Raccogliere la pala nella neve sulla destra.
Andare davanti al cartello stradale, usare la pala per togliere la neve. Troverete una cartina con delle frecce bianche.
Notare sulla destra della strada un panno rosso, raccoglierlo.
Ora usare la pala per liberare l’auto dalla neve.
Entrare nell’auto, cliccare sul sedile destro e per spostarlo, prendere una pompa.
Usare il panno rosso per pulire i tergicristalli dall’interno.
Ora cliccare nei comandi del volante per azionare i tergicristalli e pulire il parabrezza dalla neve all’esterno.
Uscire dalla macchina e inserire la pompa sotto nel retro della macchina.
Poi prendere nel tergicristalli all’esterno una chiave.
Entrare nella macchina e usare la chiave per aprire il cruscotto. Prendere all’interno e prendere una chiave inglese.
Tornare la chiave inglese per smontare la ruota della macchina.
Ora prendere la ruota di scorta nel retro della macchina e usare la chiave inglese per rimontarla.
Tornare all’interno della macchina, cliccare sul navigatore per usare la macchina.
Prendere la pala a destra del pupazzo di neve.
Spostatevi a sinistra davanti al garage, osservare il cartello appeso nel muro dove sono indicati in sequenza dei mezzi:
Contare le ruote per ogni mezzo per trovare il codice 2642.
Inserire il codice nel pannello del garage per aprirlo.
Entrare nel garage, osservare il foglio nel pavimento vicino alla portiera della macchina. Osservare la posizione delle crocette rosse, vi serviranno per aprire l’anta della macchina. Posizionare le manovelle come l’immagine sotto:
Entrare nell’auto, aprire il cruscotto e prendere una chiave inglese.
Uscire dalla macchina, andare nelle scaffalature, prendere un trapano e una tubo nero.
Prendere vicino alle scatole dei pezzi di legno.
Osservare il muro fronte al muso dell’auto, usare il trapano per aprire la griglia nel muro, prendere uno spruzzino.
Usare lo spruzzino per pulire la targa, con scritto 2C – 18088.
Usare ancora lo spruzzino per pulire le targhe appese nel muro sopra i cartoni.
1C – 11188 = TRIANGOLO 4
1A – 982012 = QUADRATO ?
1V – 18659 = CERCHIO ?
Inserire nel cofano del motore il codice 4447.
Ora andare nell’angolo del garage dove ci sono le gomme, spostare le gomme come l’immagine sotto:
Prendere il piede di porco.
Usare il piede di porco per aprire la cassa di legno, prendere una lattina rossa.
Andare nel motore della macchina. Nell’inventario posizionare il tubo nero dentro la lattina rossa e usarla nel motore.
Poi usare la chiave inglese nel motore dove c’è il fumo.
Andare dentro la macchina e accendere le luci.
Uscire e osservare le luci sul muro, troverete un puzzle nel muro.
Osservare per ogni lettera quanti esagoni sono attaccati.
C = 5
B = 4
A = 3
Andare nel pannello del garage, inserire il codice in base all’ordine CBA.
Inserire il codice 534.
Il garage si aprirà.
Usare la pala sul mucchio di neve a destra del garage. Prendere una corda.
Unire nell’inventario la corda con i legni per formare una scala.
Ora andare a destra della casa verso il capanno. Usare la scala sull’albero per prendere delle tenaglie.
Usare le tenaglie per rompere la catena che blocca la porta del capanno. Entrare.
Raccogliere una chiave da vicino la latta rossa.
Poi prendere delle scatole di cartone.
Prendere il piede di porco nella stanza sulla destra.
Posizionare le scatole di cartone sotto la finestra e aprirla.
Uscire fuori, andare nell’ingresso principale della casa, usare la chiave per aprire la porta. Entrate in casa.
Andare nel mobile della Tv, prendere una torcia e una cornice.
Da sopra il divano prendere un telecomando.
Usare il telecomando per accendere la Tv, poi prendere dal telecomando due batterie.
Inserire le batteria nella torcia e illuminare sotto il tavolino del salotto. Prendere un pugnale.
Usare il pugnale nel divano, prendere un CD-ROM.
Inserire il CD-ROM nel lettore della Tv. Troverete una sequenza di colori:
Ora andare nella porta del sotto scala e inserire la sequenza di colori di cui sopra e la porta si aprirà.
Andare verso la tenda, cliccarci per scoprire il vetro, poi cliccare nel vetro per trovare una sequenza di frecce (indizio).
Usare la sequenza delle frecce e cliccare nelle frecce disegnate nel pannello a fianco della finestra:
Prendere una chiave.
Usare la chiave per aprire il primo cassetto del comodino, prendere un foglio con dei codici.
Uscire dalla stanza, salire le scale e entrare nella prima stanza sulla destra che è la ROOM 2, codice da inserire scritto nel foglio 510802.
Entrare e prendere un pezzo d’immagine appesa nel muro sopra il letto.
Poi prendere il rossetto da sopra il tavolo, aprirlo nell’inventario e troverete una chiave.
Usare la chiave per aprire il cofanetto sopra il mobile vicino al letto, prendere un’altro pezzo d’immagine.
Uscire dalla stanza, entrare nella ROOM 1 che è la prima di sinistra, inserendo il codice 110733.
Entrare nella stanza, andare vicino nella lampada accenderla e troverete la scritta HELL – HELP. (ci torneremo dopo)
Usare il piede di porco sul materasso per spostarlo, prendere un chiodo.
Uscire dalla stanza, entrare nella ROOM 3 che è la seconda di sinistra, inserire il codice 110839.
Entrare nella stanza, prendere la matita sotto il letto. Poi aprire il libro nella scrivania, prendere un pezzo d’immagine e poi usare la matita sul foglio bianco, troverete il codice 67-31.
Fare l’operazione m atematica 67-31= 36
Poi osservare i numeri nelle finestre, il crocifisso fa +, quindi fare 21+47 = 68
Inserire il codice 6836 nel cofanetto nel letto per aprirlo, prendere una fotocamera.
Uscire dalla stanza e scendere al piano di sotto, andare nella cucina, aprire l’anta del mobile in alto a sinistra e prendere un piatto.
Ora usare la macchina fotografica sul muro sopra i fornelli per trovare questa sequenza di frecce.
Usare la sequenza sopra per aprire il frigorifero. Prendere all’interno un formaggio.
Inserire il formaggio nel piatto dentro al microonde e scaldarlo. Poi riprenderlo.
Ora uscire dalla casa, tornare al capanno e posizionare l formaggio caldo davanti alla tana del topo. Prendere la chiave.
Tornare in casa, salire al primo piano e usare la chiave per aprire la seconda porta della stanza di destra.
All’interno prendere il martello sotto la sedia.
Poi prendere un’altro pezzo d’immagine dai vestiti sul letto.
Poi osservare la ventola nel soffitto e prendere uno straccio.
Uscire dalla stanza, tornare nella ROOM 1, avvicinarsi al cassetto sotto la lampada e inserire il codice 320 per aprirlo. Prendere all’interno una video-cassetta.
Poi osservare sempre dentro il cassetto e troverete un’indizio con delle linee come indicato nell’immagine sotto:
Ora tornare di sotto e uscire dalla casa.
Andare nel capanno, avvicinarci alla griglia sotto la mensola e usare l’indizio sopra per risolvere il puzzle:
Prendere all’interno delle tavole di legno.
Andare alla finestra salire sopra le scatole di cartone, posizionare le tavole fuori dalla finestra, inserire i chiodi e usare il martello per fissare i chiodi alle tavole.
Ora salire nel balcone, prendere dal sopra il tavolo una maniglia e nel pavimento prendere una sega.
Tornare giù, uscire dal capanno e tornare in casa.
Entrare nella stanza nel sottoscala, inserire la video-cassetta nel videoregistratore sotto la Tv.
Ora cliccare nelle manopole, usciranno le due immagini mancanti. Usare la macchina fotografica e fare la foto sulle immagini mancanti.
Ora nell’inventario inserire tutte le immagini che avete nella cornice per completare l’immagine.
Salire al secondo piano e usare la maniglia nella porta infondo al corridoio. Entrare nel bagno.
Andare nel rubinetto, aprire l’acqua e usare lo straccio per bagnarlo con l’acqua.
Usare la sega per tagliare la grata nel pavimento. Ora legare lo straccio nella colonna bianca vicino alla griglia per calarsi in basso.
Una volta scesi vi troverete difronte una persona con un’ascia.
Se questa soluzione ti ha aiutato clicca qua! Grazie!
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Stupendous Room Escape 1 – Mystery House è un’applicazione attualmente free disponibile per iOS sull’App Store.
What is the code for the car? The shapes? I am stuck in the garage?
Count circle in the number.
11188- 4 (triangle)
982012- 4 (rectangle)
…- 4 (circle)
Assumed last one is for rhombus- 7 (it worked)
Open the engine. Put the oil can. Oil can is inside the wood box. Go to the corner to see the tires. Behind the tire, there is a rod. Remember only bigger tire can hold the smaller ones as shown. Move all tires to next sticks. Take the rod and break the wood box. Don’t forget to take the black pipe from the shelves.
Fix the smoke area with wrench. Inside the car, put the light on to see the puzzle on the wall. Stuck here…what’s the numbers there???
Thank you so much!!!
The code to open the garage is 534, the logic looks in our solutions and watch the image.
It’s 534 !
Thank you. How did you find the code?
I understand the logic.
From your last part…
Use the arrows to open the puzzle on the wall.. just left side of the window. Take the key and open the drawer beside the bed. Take the sheet. Go to up stair. Open the rooms. You will find camera in one of the room. Take the camera and come to kitchen. Take a photo of the wall.. above the cooker. See the arrows and open the refrigerator.
Take the cheese.. warm it in micro oven. Go to the store house right side of the building. Put the cheese outside the rat hole. Take the key and open the other room …
Can anyone help?? There is a puzzle in first room on the lamp.. HELL->HELP.. three numbers to open drawer below..:(
Thank’s Shaon!!!
HELL -> HELP, if i remember right the code is 613. It’s found in the the word “HELP” by rotating it 180 degrees.
Is anyone playing the other games in the series? Having serious trouble in the beginning of the 4th game located around a hospital.
Thank’s Patrick!!!
Shaon, mi sembra di ricordare che il codice a tre cifre per hell-> help è di 320
Ciao Smantha, grazie per l’aiuto…come hai fatto trovare il codice 320?
Shaon, it seems to me that the 3-digit code for hell-> help is the 320.
Thank you Shaon! I don’t know what to do with the picture I have a piece missing & can’t open the door upstairs at the end of the corridor?
Hi Natalie,
You are finding the door knob when walking through the window in the storehouse. But first you need to find the wood planks and nails. The nails is found under the bed/mattress in the first room to the left. In the drawer in the same room you will find a hint for a puzzle.
I’ve only open the first gate at the mystery hospital. Been stuck for days now without coming any further.
Where are the planks of wood?
The planks are in the storehouse, you have to unlock the grillage using the hint that is inside the drawer in room 1, there are 3 lines
Am also playing the 4th game the mystery hospital, am stuck getting into the lighthouse. What are you stuck on Patrik?
Hi Natalie, what game you talking about?
Natalie I’m out of hospital – can’t work out code for red heart shaped box
Thanks Patrik. Is the clue to do with the puzzle in the store room on the wall above the grill?
Have you got out of the hospital with your friend?
I have sawn open bathroom floor grate – stuck about what’s next
Ellie you have to solve the puzzle in the store room. The clue to open it is in the drawer. Once solved the puzzle you will get the wood.
I am stuck too! Don’t know what to do with the wet towel?
Ellie how did you get the planks of wood??
Natalie, the towel you have to tide it to the column next to the floor grate and you can go down, but you will find the killer there and i don’t know what to do next
Hello Mary, we too have to stop them …
I just give him the portrait and he goes away, and the game ended
Hi Mary!!! ah that’s why! I do not have all the image and I have not completed the portrait !! Where are the other pictures?
Hi!! The other pictures are in the tv from the room next to the stairs, you have to use the camera to take the picture out of it
Yes i did it. thank you.
Paddy you have to do the puzzle on the back wall of the shed next to the grill it is pressing the buttons in the same shape as in the drawer in the bedroom. I didn’t know what to do with the killer s loaded another game – level 2 is OK I’ve got quite far and am stuck on the dials on the floor. Level 3 is near on impossible to fathom and level 4 I’m in an operating theatre and have. Gathered some items but no clue what to do next – aaargh
Ellie, in level 2 have you unlocked the piano? I’m stuck there
Also I have stopped the piano. Above you will find the page with the solutions
Mary you have the long code 18724669 – go to the bookshelf in the room with the piano – number the books from left to right using that code then play the symbol pattern on the piano
Mary use the long code with the labelled books to identify the tune
Thanks to both of you!!!
I don’t know what to do with the code you get on the tv screen when you insert the dvd. It relates to the 4 dials on the floor but I can’t work out the logic. Also on game 4 I can’t work out the code for the red heart shaped box
Hi Ellie, Also I have arrived at that point, I do not understand the codes in the TV. In the kitchen I do not know what to do.
In the kitchen you have to remove the key that is in the basin with a hook that you will find there in the kitchen and the wire, then with that key you open the oven and there tells you how to unlock the microwave and what the microwave tells you inside unlock the wines. To know well the code that shows you the TV you have to use the glasses
Hi Mary!! where Trovat the hook?
Hi!! With the thread in the washbasin
I can’t find glasses!
Hi Ellie! I do not remember where the glasses were, but they were not in the wines?
Finished the game !! You have to deliver the killer, the frame with the full image.
Is anyone doing game 4 – I could do with help
Ellie! I’m doing it too! I’m stuck in the light room, i can’t guess the code for the gift. And you?
Hi Ellie. I don’t know what the code is to open the red heart box in 4 mystery hospital, that’s a tough one!. I can’t get into the lighthouse! Has anyone solved the clue where the gargoyle statue is?
Sorry, haven’t played for some days and checked in here.
The code for the heart shaped box is found by form the word “Love” of the words to the right of box.
I’m so stuck in the barn with the 100 kg weight. The hook is putted on, but i can’t solve the machine puzzle.
Have anyone opend the door to the left in the secobd room of the hospital?
Hi Patrik, I thought it was something to do with the word love but I cannot work out the formula! How do you work it out?
I have lifted the weight in the barn, I don’t know how I did it as I kept pressing the buttons and it worked!
No I haven’t opened the 2nd door either in the hospital corridor.
Natalie it should be 1234 after the location of the letters of the word love in each row.
Loss – L is the first letter =1
Sorry – O is the second letter = 2
Save – V is the third letter = 3
Grief – E is the fourth letter = 4
Thank you Patrik! Can see it now!!
Patrik, have you solved the puzzle on the gates? There are 4 dials to turn, which position do they need to be?
Patrik, have you worked out how to turn the 4 dials on the gates?
Yea, you have found both keys? Then llok on the sign right to the blue phone booth. There is arrows in each corner. I will also temember that the letter G in the sign is shape of an arrow. Follow the atrows counter clockwise from the top right corner.
Thank you – I’m through the gates – this is a tricky game – stuck n these puzzles!
Has anyone got to the lighthouse & solved the puzzles in stupendous 4?
Can anyone help with the puzzles in the room – 1 with chalkboard and star saying, 1 with 3 colours and 1 with numbered drawers
Ellie I am also stuck on those too. The drawer I cannot figure out. The chalkboard has something to do with the lighthouse. 1,3,5 but cannot work out the sequence for it.
HW did you get in the barn Natalie
Natalie – how did you access the barn
I’m in the barn now. Patrik not sure if e machine puzzle links to the scratch marks othe machine or the crosses in the chalkboard in other room. I’m trying random buttons – can’t see the logic
It’s linked to the crosses, but you have to use glasses that are in the second room. To open it, enter 4752 (54×88) on the drawer in the first room.
On the machine in the barn, from left to right: first button, last button and first button (the same positions as those of the colored crosses)
Marie, you are the MVP (Most Valued Player) 😀
That’s nice, thanks 🙂
Got it – thank you
Well done for all your tips you have been great!
This is a tricky game!!
Still stuck at the lighthouse, if anyone is there yet?!
I’m at the lighthouse Natalie. Not seeing the logic as yet
Hi Ellie, there must be something else for the door. The code on the chalkboard is 1,3,5 a picture of the lighthouse. Do you think it’s every other number above the lighthouse door? Which is 1,2,3,4,5
Can’t work the logic out though?!
I thought it might be to do with the grid on the gargoyle but haven’t worked it out
Here’s an idea – 1, 3 and 5 equal 9. If you ok at the ong number above the door and break it into 2 digit numbers there is 9 between each set eg 33-24 = 9 – that seems like a pattern but I’m not sure how to use it
That could be something. Also add up the number next to it and they all equal 6. I just don’t know!!!
Above the door there’s the clue for the grid on the statue:
15: 1st square in 5th line from top,
24: 2nd square in 4th line
33: 3rd square in 3rd line
42: 4th square in 2nd line
51: 5th square in 1st.
It forms a diagonal.
I’m looking for help about stupendous 5. I’m stuck at level 8, the hexagon puzzle ….
I do not remember the code, but i remember the way to solve it.
The numbers in the each hexagon are from the number of neighboring hexagons. Click the same amount of neighbors the red hexagons have. Starting from the top and moving downwards.
Ohhhhhhh !!!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Marie – I’ve done some of 5 but I’m not that far yet – still working on 4 Am trying to crack the telephone now!
I’ll keep looking.
The phone number = 11482510
A = 2 because 3×9 = 27
B = 5 because 5×3 = 15
C = 1 because it’s the first letter of the sentence and there’s no letter “D”.
Super helpful Marie – I’m in 2nd room in hospital now – have cracked the computer and put the sheet over the board to see the stars and the numbers – am figuring out the logic to all of this – enjoying this game
I’m stuck lol 🙂
And I’m still with my hexagons 🙁
Take the big book near “1942” and resolve the formule: 1942+2016-2008+1991= 3941 open the box on the bookshelf and take the star.
Note the code “WYCG”
Find and note the value of each shape on the radiography:
Back in the second room of the house near the barn, put the book on the shelf, press books according to the code WYCG…..
Which is the antidote i have to give to the girl?
You have to make it – I am still trying in the basement room
I have the corresponding numbers for the colours on the virus slides – I can’t work out where to go with them. ALso the statements on the paper in the radioactive room – are they dates – I was hoping to find a calendar but I can’t see one – don’t see how either relate to the dials and knobs in the room
Hos did you open the door with buttons in a circle and one button inside the circle?
Ciao! Ho iniziato stupendous room escape 7….. anche qualcuno di voi???
Thank you very much – you are clever
I spend my life stuck on this game 🙁
The antidote consists of the addition of the 4 cells (?) so as to obtains the quantities per colour seen under the microscope :
Bleu : 8/4 = 2
Green : 16/4 = 4
Yellow : 20/4 = 5
Violet : 12/4 = 3
The final mixture must be light blue.
Thank you thank you Marie. I hadn’t divided by 4!!!
No still stuck – I thought the cell code was for the buttons to release the antidote – I don’t know where to go with the code to make antidote – I feel very stupid
Open the cupboard in the secret room to make the antidote. By choosing the top right button (= 1) as starting point, press buttons 2,3,5,7 then press the round middle button.
What is the secret room? And what wardrobe? Sorry for being so heavy but I’m horrible in this game
Thank you!!! I ended!!
Marie thank you – brilliant – I am on the Christmas clown game now!! (Stuck as usual)
Marie thank you – brilliant – I am on the Christmas clown game now!! Trying to find the logic! Stuck!
Hi, Ellie – I am doing the Christmas clown too. I opened the wardrobe in the clown’s tent, one of the boxes in the theater and a booth on the Ferris wheel. I think that’s pretty much it though. Want to join forces?
Alexandra – definitely I am at the beginning and stuck InThe clowns tent
Hi, sorry – I was away for a few days, and didn’t see your response right away.
So here goes:
* At the gate, you have to have picked up a ticket with circle / star / half-moon / triangle
* In the tent, you pick up the gum on the table, and if you hit the gum again, it bubbles, but no idea what it does beyond that.
* The numbers on the wardrobe are cued by the word “key,” where, from the mirror, s=1 (per paper on table), so k=4, e=11, y = 5 and 4115 opens the wardrobe
* From the right pocket of the doll’s suit, you pick up a key.
* The key opens doors to a hall on the right of the tent.
* In the hall, the box with the clown on it is opened using the shapes on the ticket.
* A doll comes out and gives the order of colours – blue, yellow, red and green.
* The yellow box with flowers gives a lock combo as blue = 6, yellow = 8, red = 5, green = 4 and that opens the trunk (press on the flower after entering the combo), where you get the pliers. (No idea how to open the yellow box).
* The gates to be opened with pliers are to the left of the tent, down an alley, past the toilets.
* Go to the Ferris wheel, go into the tent, press the button in front of the screen & wait for the countdown to finish. That opens the cabin on the Ferris wheel, where you can collect a photo of a baby and find a 4-digit combo on a bench & a table on the left wall. Maybe note the red ball bcs. red ball sits in front of the tent too?
That’s as far as I got. Don’t know what to do about the poster with clowns or the rest of it. Also, sign on the gates is giving either wlme or eco as a clue, but not sure what it’s for. Hope this helps.
Code for the box under the seat in the Ferris wheel cabin is 1982 (girl’s birth year, since there are 5 candles on her cake).
Alexandra I’ve got a bit further – in the bathroom, have got the playing card opened boxes in theatre – stuck on the arrow puzzle in the bathroom, what to do with playing card and the puzzle in theatre with picture of cat tree and shop front – any ideas?
The playing card is used at the end of the game. The clue of the last box in the theater will be near a carousel. To open the door in the toilet, there is the clue in the cab of the ferris wheel at the bottom left. You must also take a piece of mirror in the toilet.
Must be for the box in the hall.
Where did you find the bathroom key / handle? Thanks!
Actually, never mind. Got it 🙂 So you must have the cabin clue as well.
Thank you thank you – I’m doing something wrong with th clue for the toilet door – so frustrating ?
Considers only one circle per direction.
Thank you _ and happy new year ?
Stupendous room 4… aiuti per uscire da stanza con ragazza stesa davanti armadio! Bloccata. Antidoto?!?
I’m stuck at the roller coaster. Can’t find any clue there. And what is up with the insects? Does anyone having an idea how to come further?
You just note that you must find a scarab.
You take the rubber suction cup and you use it on the sink in the toilet. The handle is used in the cabin of the roller coaster. Look at the circles around the numbers and compare them with the balls on the poster near the theatre.
Stupendous 6
I’m stuck. I opened several doors, boxes… I found at the top of a sort of tower a machine in which I placed a bright sphere and a blue stone. I found a abacus in a room. Now, I can’t go any further, I don’t know what to do with the abacus.
Can anyone help me ?
Gold coin room escape 3 level 14?!
Dear Cath
Gold coin room escape 3 level 4 , pls help
Im the the bedrrom with the girl lying and on the left its a red light like a rrom and i cant get in, i need the antidote what should i do help
You must use the protective combination to enter the room.
Hello i m blocked in stupendous 5 for the code witz 5 Numbers… can someone help me?
Hi Mary,
We started the level 5, where did you get? You can help us?